
Mendeley plugin for word 2011
Mendeley plugin for word 2011

mendeley plugin for word 2011

Select the Get More Styles tab and search for the Journal title.Select the More Styles option to search for the style format used in a large number of journals.You can change the style selection at any time. Use the arrow to open a list of commonly use styles.Click on that to join the multiple citations in one space. If you have two citations next to each other that are not joined in the correct style, click on both of them and the Insert Citation button will change to Merge Citations.You can then edit the inserted citation or add a second citation in the same space. After inserting a citation you can click on the citation (it will turn grey) and the label on the Insert Citation option changes to Edit Citation.

mendeley plugin for word 2011

Alternatively, click the Go to Mendeley button, select the document, and click the Cite button that is now on the toolbar.Click OK to insert the citation(s) in your document. After searching for the first reference you can search for more if you need to cite multiple documents in the same place. A box pops up with an option to search for a reference.Place the cursor where you want to insert the citation.

Mendeley plugin for word 2011