In Trump, white supremacists see one of their own. So it was with a candidate who called for a foreign power to hack his opponent’s email and who now, as president, is claiming to be the victim of “the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history.”

So it was with marauding Klansmen organized against alleged rapes and other outrages. So it was with Virginia slaveholders claiming that Britain sought to make slaves of them. That the slur cuck casts white men as victims aligns with the dicta of whiteness, which seek to alchemize one’s profligate sins into virtue. Trump’s rise was shepherded by Steve Bannon, a man who mocks his white male critics as “cucks.” The word, derived from cuckold, is specifically meant to debase by fear and fantasy-the target is so weak that he would submit to the humiliation of having his white wife lie with black men. White supremacy has always had a perverse sexual tint. Trump inaugurated his campaign by casting himself as the defender of white maidenhood against Mexican “rapists,” only to be later alleged by multiple accusers, and by his own proud words, to be a sexual violator himself. It is often said that Trump has no real ideology, which is not true-his ideology is white supremacy, in all its truculent and sanctimonious power. “The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” After his cabal of conspiracy theorists forced Barack Obama to present his birth certificate, Trump demanded the president’s college grades (offering $5 million in exchange for them), insisting that Obama was not intelligent enough to have gone to an Ivy League school, and that his acclaimed memoir, Dreams From My Father, had been ghostwritten by a white man, Bill Ayers.Ĭheck out the full table of contents and find your next story to read.

“Black guys counting my money! I hate it,” Trump was once quoted as saying. government called for the death penalty for the eventually exonerated Central Park Five and railed against “lazy” black employees. He fought to keep blacks out of his buildings, according to the U.S. But long before birtherism, Trump had made his worldview clear. His political career began in advocacy of birtherism, that modern recasting of the old American precept that black people are not fit to be citizens of the country they built. Listen to the audio version of this article: Feature stories, read aloud: download the Audm app for your iPhone.